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How To Make Your Own Pedal Blocks

How To Make Your Own Pedal Blocks

Are you an avid biker but sometimes struggle to keep your feet on the pedals while riding due to short legs? Do you have a couple of tiny tots at home who still need to grow into their big-wheeled birthday presents?

Using some pedal blocks would certainly be a quick fix to those issues. If you do not wish to purchase new pedal blocks, you could make some at home. Read on to find out the simplest way to do it!

What are pedal blocks or extenders?

Pedal blocks, also known as extenders, are an easy way to shorten the distance between your feet and the surface of the pedals. They work like platforms by covering your bike pedals with thick materials, so that they come into more contact with the soles of your shoes, making for smoother cycling.

How to make your own pedal blocks

Creating your own pedals blocks is a simple do-it-yourself project that is inexpensive. It does require a bit of handiness as well as some basic tools. These include:

You’re going to need the measuring tape and the saw to cut the piece of wood down to the appropriate size of your bike pedals. Alternatively, you can go down to your local hardware store and have them cut out the woodblocks for you.

In all, you’ll need four woodblocks, two for each side of each bike pedal, as well as four nails per pedal.

Once you have gathered these supplies, take two of the blocks and place one on each side of a pedal, kind of like a wooden clamp. Then, preferably using a drill, screw the blocks together, making sure to put the nails through the hole of the pedals to avoid damaging them.

Start with nailing one side of one block to the other with two nails before nailing down the other side of the other block with two more nails. The nails should ideally be long enough to pass through one block into the other once drilled, but not too long that they protrude out of the opposite end of the second block.

Likewise, in the instance that you don’t have any tools immediately available, you can always keep the two woodblocks in place using a heap of specialized grip tape. The results aren’t as long-lasting, however, since the tape might become loose or slip with time.

In the end, you should have been able to create a pedal block from two woodblocks joined together by a generous application of grip tape or by a total of four nails with no sharp ends sticking out. Repeat all these steps for the other bike pedal.  Congratulations on finishing the job- you have just made your very own pedal blocks!

How To Make Your Own Pedal Blocks

Ready-made pedal blocks and extenders

Though whipping up your own DIY pedal blocks will certainly save you some money, there is a variety of pedal blocks already on the market for eager shoppers. They’re not necessarily expensive, either, with many models costing less than the tank of gas you would spend on when running out to get supplies.

Some worthy contenders are SunLite pedal blocks, which are highly-reviewed for their reliability. The blocks are made of wood and come with a hardy rubber band to keep them from moving around while you’re on the go.

Fenix additionally offers pedal blocks that also include a rubber band, though their versions are made out of plastic instead of organic materials.

Both brands are readily available for purchase, so don’t hesitate to scoop them up if you want to save yourself the hassle of making pedal blocks from scratch.

Final note

Regardless of whether or not you decide to buy your pedal blocks from a retailer or spend an afternoon handcrafting them yourself, they are a great way of improving ride comfort, especially in children and smaller-sized individuals. Being able to reach the bike pedals is important for new bikers to build confidence, and we would highly recommend pedal blocks if you experience problems in this area.